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Experience + Service Design
Boldly human,
by design.
We all love brands who recognize there’s a real, live human on the other end of every touchpoint—and do everything in their power to deliver experiences that understand and engage them. At Langrand, we craft human-centered products, services and experiences that fulfill your brand promise and boost your bottom line—moving hearts, minds and markets in the process.
What we offer
Digital experiences
End-to-end service design
Employee experience + cultural evolutions
Branded experiences + signature moments
Behavior change design
Customer personas + journeys
customer journey touchpoints
best-in-class service models
digital + in-person experiences
engagement, satisfaction + loyalty
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Brands we work with
Doing great work is never a solo act.
“When you have two coffee shops right next to each other, and each sells the exact same coffee at the exact same price, experience design is what makes you walk into one and not the other.”
Caroline Garry
VP, Strategy + Design
“Rising generations’ values will impact future consumer behavior and workforce dynamics, which will have profound business implications.”
Denise Worrell
Principal, Innovation + Transformation
Our practice leads
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