Experience + Engagement

Your brand promise in action.

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Experience design is what brings great strategy to life. At Langrand, we design human-centered products and services that fulfill your brand promise and boost your bottom line by moving hearts, minds and markets. 

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Areas of expertise

Customer personas + journeys
Behavior change design
Branded experiences + signature moments
Employee experience + cultural evolutions
End-to-end service design
Digital experiences

Recent collaborations

Collaborating with a leading health plan to launch a new product that emphasizes personalized member journeys, boosting engagement and improving outcomes.

Redesigning the patient onboarding process for a renowned healthcare provider to deepen consumer satisfaction and streamline operations.

Working with a health economics team to design population-specific engagement strategies and experiences that meaningfully move the needle.

Designing a peer-to-peer coaching model to expand existing skills training for a top health care system’s welcome team, and elevating the consumer experience passed along to patients.

Case studies

Anticipating the needs of tomorrow with experiences that meet them today.

Innovating to improve the chemo patient experience

We found over 60 opportunities to improve the chemo day experience for patients at a world-renowned healthcare organization—reducing wait times by 20% and increasing patient satisfaction scores.

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Patients walked an average of 11 football fields during a typical chemo day visit—navigating multiple appointments and spending nearly all day on site. Long wait times between and at appointments made the experience frustrating and inefficient for physically exhausted patients and staff.


We conducted human-centered design research, mapping the end-to-end journey for patients on chemo day through observations and interviews with patients, caregivers, providers and staff. From there, we documented and categorized pain points and opportunity areas, then systematically explored strategies to innovate.

“When you have two coffee shops right next to each other, and each sells the exact same coffee at the exact same price, service design is what makes you walk into one and not the other.” 

— Caroline Garry, Vice President, Strategy + Design 

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We designed a reimagined chemo day journey that brought the system to patients instead of requiring them to find their way across multiple buildings and departments, reducing 11 football fields of walking to 1.5. The organization vetted more than 60 recommendations, ultimately implementing 13 of the most pragmatic and high-impact innovations. As a result, the system saw a 20% decrease in peak wait times and increased patient satisfaction scores.

Launching a national account brand with a best-in-class member experience

We collaborated with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama to launch Credence, a new national account brand, coupled with a best-in-class member experience. This initiative aimed to extend their market presence beyond geographical boundaries and significantly enhance member satisfaction and engagement.

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Faced with the challenge of improving member experience and expanding their market reach, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama needed a strategic partner to help them push beyond their current limitations. There was a clear need for a sophisticated, member-centric approach to serve a broader audience effectively.


We meticulously crafted every aspect of the member experience. Our approach prioritized first impressions with a clear change management strategy followed by a personalized and enhanced welcome experience to build trust. We developed a modern, digital-first platform featuring mobile-friendly tools, intuitive care-finding resources, and empowering Health 101 articles to boost member education. We demystified high-volume touchpoints, like claims statements, by making them consumer-friendly and reducing “gotchas” and fine print. Additionally, we supported employers with a customizable mix of digital and traditional open enrollment communications, curated by a dedicated marketing communications coordinator. This comprehensive strategy set a new standard for member experience.

“Every touchpoint shapes your customer’s experience. From first to last, each moment counts. By crafting impactful interactions, you build trust and loyalty that yield long-term benefits.”

— Shannon Langrand, CEO + Founder

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We made a bold move by launching the first Blue brand in decades. This powerful initiative quickly yielded results, securing a major retailer as a client within a year of launch. Additionally, we strengthened loyalty and retention among Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama's top 10 clients, solidifying our impact and success in the market.

Turning data into action: The journey from a transactional to consultative experience

We don’t just stop at consumer experiences. We partner with key clients to elevate their B2B interactions, which are vital in a complex B2B2C value chain. Collaborating with a major health insurance provider, we transformed their meetings with key ASO groups from retrospective reviews to forward-looking consultative sessions. Our objective was to convert their extensive data into meaningful stories and actionable recommendations, ultimately enhancing health plan performance.

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Our client met regularly with ASO groups to share data and discuss health plan performance—a largely “rearview mirror” experience that fell short of both client and consultant expectations. Traditional ASO meetings centered on past performance, which hindered proactive improvements. Recognizing this shortfall, we identified the need for our client to leverage their extensive data to provide forward-thinking insights and impactful recommendations. This approach shifted their role from being merely transactional third-party administrators to becoming strategic consultative partners.


We redefined the team's role by designing a comprehensive client experience, focusing on consultative interactions during quarterly and annual plan performance meetings. We transformed extensive data into meaningful performance stories with future-leaning recommendations, shifting the team to a consultative role. Using data storytelling, we presented visually compelling insights with clear, actionable recommendations, highlighting future opportunities and driving outcomes. Additionally, we quantified clinical program value to defend against third-party solutions, showcasing high-impact opportunities and demonstrating improved health outcomes.

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Our approach transformed the health insurance provider from “just the TPA” to a valued consultative partner. This shift strengthened relationships with ASO groups and drove organic account growth by expanding the scope of services and revenue. Our data-driven storytelling and consultative strategy delivered significant, forward-looking recommendations, positioning our client as a trusted advisor.

Additional capabilities

Human-centered design + user research
Service + operational blueprints
Prototyping + testing
Environmental design + immersive installations
Customer + employee engagement
Executive leadership alignment
Workshop design + facilitation